Chiropractic Care


How Chiropractic Care Works


After filling out your paperwork, Dr. McCall will do an initial consultation and evaluation. It’s important to inform him about your health history including surgeries, accidents, medication, and diseases and/or conditions. After the initial evaluation, he will determine whether or not you need muscle therapy before your adjustment. Inflammation, spasms, and muscle tension can make a simple adjustment difficult, so if these are present, he will decide on the best therapy to decrease these symptoms. Following therapy, he will discuss a treatment plan and adjust you. Keep in mind that you might be sore, due to your muscles and vertebrae remaining in the same place for so long.

Dr. McCall has been trained as a diversified chiropractor. His approach to chiropractic is one of a functional system. Most aches and pains are the result of some inflammation process. Bones in your skeleton can be pulled slightly out of place due to trauma, repetitive motion, or simple muscle tension. Once subluxated (or out of place) that joint causes irritation and inflammation to the soft tissue around it. That soft tissue could be nerve irritation, ligaments or tendons, muscles, or even the bones irritating each other. The end result is usually pain whether it’s for 5 days or 5 years.

Call 623-572-9200 to make an appointment

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Come and see us!

We are located at 77th Ave & Deer Valley Rd

For any questions call 623.572.9200 or