Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


What is HRT and how it works


Most of us including men and women  if we are honest, would say that we suffer from one or more of the following: weight gain, anxiety, depression, low libido, fatigue, can’t sleep, can’t heal or just don’t feel right

Those symptoms are a blood chemistry issue.  All of your hormones work together to make you …. You.  When one of them is out of whack it affects the rest of them.  And suddenly you know  that how you’re feeling isn’t really the person you want to be but you don’t know where to start.

We say start with your blood.  Blood is the truth serum that doesn’t lie.  Carli Walter our P.A. is trained in and specializes with working with your body chemistry.  She will have an initial exam with you to go over your symptoms and how you’re feeling.  You will be given a lab referral to have an extensive  blood panel drawn so that  we can see what needs to be done.  These labs usually include what your primary physician will do plus a lot more.

 Carli will go over the results with you and determine what needs to change.  It might be as simple as addressing thyroid issues or low testosterone.  Sometimes there are several factors that need to be addressed  in order to achieve your goals.   Carli can prescribe or recommend the right course of action for you.

Getting regular blood work done is absolutely essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Save some time and download your new patient forms below for your visit with us!


Come and see us!

We are located at 77th Ave & Deer Valley Rd

For any questions call 623.572.9200 or